Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Great New stuff in MAF

Regina Manley directed MAF’s first US Story & Oral Strategies Workshop in March. 17 representatives from 9 different organizations wrestled with seeing life from an oral communicators perspective. We made 3 tracks available that could be taken independently or in various combinations – Instructor’s Workshop, Practitioner’s Workshop, and an Oral Strategies Seminar. Read more at

The folks that Regina trained in biblical story telling last January at the Mayan Bible School in Huehuetenango, Guatemala are now training 3 pastors’ wives to reach Tztujil (Mayan language) speakers. They ask prayer for “Demonstrating the Simply The Story method of story telling and coaching the ladies in discovery of God's word for themselves.”

MAF's first Kodiak will be visiting the Vancouver, WA-Portland, OR area May 23rd and 24th. You're welcome to come and see it at the Pearson Airport near the museum. See pictures on our main web site