Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Year End reflection and URBANA

This has been an awesome year for recruiting for several reasons. First of all we have seen a real increase in those headed to MAF with both of our candidate classes for this next year with more candidates than usual. MAF has experienced very little decrease in giving throughout 2009. This past year was also highlighted with the US's largest air show highlighting Mission Aviation and Humanitarian service by general aviation. That gave us a lot of great exposure and opportunities to share why we do what we do. We want to thank all of you for your prayers, support both financially and in personal contribution of time and talents, and for your trust in what God is doing through MAF. You have helped make this past year a great year in MAF. We also Praise the Lord of the Harvest for bringing us more workers for the harvest fields. It truly is a privledge to serve HIM. May God continue to challenge you, grow you, and show you HIS majesty, grace, and love through the New Year. Blessings, Perry Pust

Pray for the recruiting gang and others that have gone to represent MAF at the Urbana conference. Pray that God would work in the hearts of the students attending this year, that they would hear the voice of God, seek His direction for their lives, and come away knowing more of what God has created for them to do for HIM.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas at MAF

Today in recruiting I am watching a few snowflakes add to the dusting we got overnight, and remembering celebrating Christmas, as most of our MAF families do, in another country and a tropical climate


I love the Christmas emails from other parts of the world. Reports of ministries – discipling new believers, a New Testament ready to print in another language, plans for a TB facility to help tribal people get the nutrition and consistent medication they need to heal. MAF is part of all these ministries – carrying people and stuff, but also sharing the Good News for all People – that Jesus came to be a Light to those (all of us) who were walking in darkness.

MAF's first Kodiak aircraft made its first operational (real work!) flight in Central Asia - the pilots who made the flight were pretty excited to have that privilege, but they were quick to point out that many, many people poured their efforts into getting it on the field. Another Kodiak is nearly at its destination of Kalimantan, Indonesia, and one more sits in the hangar across the street waiting for better weather to start the cross-Pacific flight.

Right after Christmas, a team from recruiting will fly to St. Louis to participate in Urbana 2009-'a place for college students to see, hear, and respond to God?s global mission'.

There are about 16,000 students registered for this missions conference, held once every three years. Brian and Pam Behal, Ron Hilbrands, Crissie Rask and Brad Rhoads will represent MAF with a display in the exhibition hall - talking with students about opportunities to use their skills and talents through ministry with MAF. PRAY for the conference – for many to clearly hear God’s call to serve Him in some of the needy places of the world. If you aren’t going, the URBANA website is still a great way to learn about Missions.

It will be an exciting and appropriate way to follow Christmas and to welcome the New Year.

Christmas Blessings!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Kodiak arrives in Central Asia

This is a festive time of the year. Christmas is always a reminder of why we do what we do in MAF. Jesus is focus for all that we do and at this time we reflect on all that he is. Christmas is also a time of giving and receiving gifts and that also reminds of of God's gift to the world. One of our Central Asia programs received a blessing of a new Kodiak and a second Kodiak is due to arrive in Indonesia in 4 or 5 days. The third Kodiak will leave as soon as it gets good weather for the trip. Pray for good weather flying weather and for endurance and safety for the pilots for these long ferry flights. A trip in a small aircraft half way around the world is not to be taken lightly. These aircraft will be a huge blessing to the people that get to use them. We have a 4th Kodiak in the hanger getting ready for its ferry flight and a 5th one to be delivered to us right after the 1st of the year. We have much to give thanks for and pray with us these aircraft bless many people.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

It seems someone is always on the road somewhere. Brian is traveling through, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Mississippi this week. I just returned from visits to Indiana State University, University of Illinois, Purdue University, and late evening Pizza in Chicago before returning home. MAF will also have a booth again at this year's Urbana conference which means you will find several of our recruiters in St Louis, MO between Christmas and New Years.

Email and phones are always available but if you have ever felt you would like to sit down and talk with someone from MAF get in touch with us. You never know when we might be in your area. We want to get to know you and you to know MAF. You can find contact information at under Contact Us. My email is

You can also just pick up the phone and call 1800-FlysMAF. Ask for the recruiting department and they can track down whoever you need.

Blessings to all and stay safe this Christmas season.