Friday, January 15, 2010

Biggest January Candidate class in a long time

The apartments are full and children are everywhere. As I write this, the candidates are on a field trip to visit a Buddhist temple and an Islamic center. We have pilots, mechanics, several teachers, an administrator, a finance manager, a speech therapist, plus many others all here for our January Candidacy. This week and next are big weeks for all these folks as they meet with the Candidate Committee of MAF and final decisions are made about where they should be assigned for service. For many, this is the culmination of many years of preparation for service. It is exciting for them and for MAF as we anticipate how they will be such a blessing to the programs they go to.

Some may even be assigned to Haiti because of the devastation we recently witnessed. Haiti will be in recovery and rebuilding for years to come and MAF will play a big part of that. Candidacy is fun time as we see the new MAFers take their place in our organization. Pray for a long and fruitful ministry for them.

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