Friday, May 28, 2010

The MAF Application - from the Recruiter Side

I love it! I love reading the written application from candidates coming into MAF.
I suspect, (and recall from my own experience) that filling out the application is a long and nerve-wracking process. But, reading them is like watching 'cardboard testimonies
- - if you have seen some of those.

Each application is a story of God at work. Each candidate has learned about God's love and grace through Jesus Christ, and is living and walking with God. There are stories of how a person has changed the course of their life with God's help - walking away from patterns that would have kept them trapped. Others have grown with encouragement and support from their earliest years, and made their faith personal and are now eager to use their talents to serve God.

For me, it is a praise and worship time as I read and thank God for His amazing work, and for the people He calls to MAF. Our candidates as well as MAF will use the application process to help discern God's leading. Candidates will continue to grow and serve - and many of them through MAF - using their gifts and skills, sharing the love of Jesus Christ so that others may be physically and spiritually transformed.

Did I mention I love being in on the story?!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Should you train for a triathalon?

There I was eating some potato chips when my daughter came in from work and said she was going to start training for a marathon with a friend. I kind of laughed because I thought no way would she follow through. Then I thought about my own efforts to get into shape and how I always seemed to let it slide. I am not sure why (maybe the Lord) but into my mind popped the idea of training for a triathalon. It kind of excited me. All of a sudden I had a reason to train and get into shape. I did however have to walk out the door and go to the gym to start. I have stayed with it now for over a month and am still enjoying the training (swimming, biking, and running). The event is August 7 so hold me accountable to it.

What does this have to do with MAF and recruiting? I have talked with so many people over the years who would love to get involved with missionary aviation and MAF. The concept is great and motivation is good but the next step is doing, getting started. The requirements are not easy or simple (bible training, flight and mechanics licenses) but they are doable. You need to get started and keep the goal in mind and not just the obstacles. Myself and the other recruiters are all here to help you get to where God is wanting you to be. Why not take some bible classes to just get things started. I will be glad to start holding you accountable to what you think God may be leading you into, just let me know. The other recruiters will too, just like they will with me and the triathalon. God bless.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Alaska Aviation Trade Show

I had the privaledge of attending this years annual Aviation Trade Show in Anchorage Alaska on May 1-2. We had many good conversations/contacts at the booth and a lot of interest in MAF. Lots of people came by and said how great it was to see MAF at this event this year. I ended up giving out all of my pilot/mechanic brochures and general brochures. It was also exciting to share the work of MAF around the world to those who had never heard of MAF before. There should have been around 20,000 people that attended this event, but I have not heard any reports of the latest results, but for MAF this was a busy, full event with some great support shown for what we do. We're looking forward to the follow up responses from those that had specific interest in serving us or with us. We hope to return next year as I got to meet some of my recruits for the first time after e-mailing and phone calls. There's nothing like a face to face contact!