Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Missions

I grew up in a small town, where Santa came on the train (my uncle) to the town square and Christmas music played from the courthouse tower. Never in my wildest dreams did I think of Christmas deep in the jungle of Borneo or that is where I would spend many Christmas times to come in my life ! No snow, just Heat and lots of it. Nothing felt the same about Christmas in the jungle, yet for one thing. That birth, the Son of God, in the heat or the cold, I still had those same feelings. I missed all the traditions that I grew up with but no matter what country I was in or what language or Hot or Cold, Christmas was still about the Christ child. The whole reason that I and my family were sweating on Christmas day in the middle of the jungle. It was just as good and now that I was out there serving as a missionary pilot it even made it better. My kids, its all they know growing up and their memories are of Christmas in the jungle and nothing like mine growing up. We took the airplane out to the missionaries bringing gifts from home and my wife's cookies too. That C-185 made a great sleigh.
Christmas is Christmas no matter where you are in the world. Hope your Christmas was Christmas wherever you are this year. Capt Hook

1 comment:

B.e. Kerian said...

Well said. My family just celebrated their first Christmas in Arizona. And yes, it is a great reminder that it is Christ that is important in "Christ"mas.

God Bless,