Friday, April 29, 2011

Does Dramatic = Radical?

Recently, I received an email from someone considering a change in his career. He said he was increasingly discontent with his comfortable life and the status quo. He and his wife feel God may be moving them to live out their faith in a more radical way. Could MAF be the way God would use them?

When he said they had an increasing disdain for comfortable living, I thought, "Have we got the place for you! Come right on down!" But, at the same time, I was following a discussion on Radical Christianity on two blogs. (see below)

What is radical?
Is living on the edge of the jungle to fly in support of national pastors, missionaries and needy villagers radical?
Is living in an urban community to show Christ's love radical?
Is working in a ministry for less pay than I could make elsewhere radical?
Is 'living a quiet life, minding my own affair and working with my hands' (I Thessalonians 4:11) radical?
Is raising prayer and financial support radical?

The dramatic kind of radical is sometimes easier than the day-to-day, faithful kind of radical, particularly for someone with an adventurous streak.

No doubt God 'calls' (another discussion for another day) some people to lead lives that look quite different from the normal American life. It is a step of faith and even radical to move out of our comfort zone and give up normal expectations. MAF certainly needs people called to serve in this way.

But, for each of us, our call must be deeply rooted and growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because even lives that seem radical become daily in between the dramatic. And it is here that our love shines and our faithfulness witnesses to those around us of the hope we have in Jesus Christ. And THAT is truly RADICAL.

Sky Jethani: Redefining Radical

Demythologizing "Radical" Christianity

1 comment:

Mike said...

Really like the tone of everything I am reading from your oranization. My life was radically changed recently and this has brought me closer to God and taught me how to truly live by faith. I feel God calling me to do some sort of missions support.